Alice Springs Copper-Iron Project (Genesis 100%)Alice Springs Copper-Iron Mining Management Plan The Alice Springs Project is located approximately 155 kilometres north east of Alice Springs in the Northern Territory. The tenement area is situated approximately 80 road kilometres along the Plenty Highway in the poly-metallic Harts Range Mineral Field. he project comprises one granted Exploration Licence (EL 24817) which covers a total area of 372.59km2. The Alice Springs Project hosts over 20 copper occurrences and two iron ore prospects. A brief reconnaissance rock chip sampling program was conducted over some of the copper bearing areas which yielded the following results: - Copper mineralisation in the north-western part of the tenement appears to be mainly structurally controlled with copper assays up to 40% Cu.
- Within the Camp Hill area the mineralisation is hosted within quartz veins with copper assays up to 15.85% Cu and iron values up to 67.7% Fe within the shear zones.
- In the Diana prospects areas the mineralisation is hosted within shear zones between schists and possible narrow lenticular iron formations. This mineralisation may be partly strata-bound with iron grades peaking at 68% Fe.
- The Corner Post and Diamond T prospects are hosted within sheared felsic gneisses in the Cadney Fault corridor with copper assays up to 4.86% Cu and 1.43% Bi.
A Pod of high grade copper at Diana 2 prospect which is composed almost entirely of malachite and chysocolla. The sample taken from here returned values of 28.3% Cu, 0.4 g/t Au & 6 g/t Ag Copper mineralisation in meta-basalt at Diana 8. The sample taken from here returned values of 10.6 % Cu The Magnetite Hill prospect occurs as a robust outcrop of magnetite iron, forming a "U" shaped outcrop, resulting in a prominent hill and appearing as part of a folded sequence. The Prospect encompasses a total outcropping strike length of approximately 300 metres and up to 30 metres in width. Iron grades vary from 37.49 per cent to 63.72 per cent Fe, within banded magnetite-cherty outcrops. Photograph 1: Aerial Photo of Magnetite Hill showing the outcropping magnetite ridges
 The Triple Iron Hill Prospect is located approximately 3.9 kilometres to the northwest of Magnetite Hill. The Prospect occurs on a rounded low rise hill and is characterised by three prominent outcrops of magnetite rich iron formation, which protrude above the surrounding country rocks. Individually, the outcrops are approximately 30 metres in strike extent, up to 20 metres in width and protrude above the ground surface by up to 10 metres, although the rounded hill itself is up to 30 metres above the surrounding country rock. Photograph 2: Massive iron mineralisation over Triple Iron Hill