Genesis Resources Ltd – Australia
Office: Suite 101, Kew Junction Tower,
Kew, VIC, 3101, Australia
Phone: +61 3 9852 9159 

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McArthur River Manganese Project (Genesis 100%)

The McArthur River project is located approximately 850 kilometres south east of Darwin in the Northern Territory. The project comprises one granted Exploration Licence (EL 24814) which covers a total area of 380.88 sq km that is easily accessible from the Carpentaria Highway and is only 265 kilometres by road from the port at McArthur River mine.

The McArthur River project hosts three known areas of outcropping manganese mineralisation. The most significant known manganese outcrop on the McArthur River project is the Masterton No.2 prospect. The Masterton No.2 prospect contains a vertical and steeply dipping manganiferous lense that is up to 160 metres long and averages 10 metres in width that has assayed up to 63% Mn.

A brief reconnaissance rock chip sampling program was conducted over the Masterton No.2 prospect and the surrounding areas in October 2008. Out of the fourteen rock chips, twelve rock chip assays returned ore grade values of manganese varying from 43.5% to 53.1% Mn from surface.

Massive outcropping manganese mineralisation over Masterton No.2 Prospect

Masterton No2 example of massive Mn outcrop